![]() To My Grandkids, I talked about my plans and the universe eavesdropped. This week at the farm has been just as interesting as the rest. As always, we have been meeting tons of beautiful people from all over the place, and getting the opportunity to listen to the stories that brought us to the same place. One guy specifically stood out to us, as he invited us to sit around the fire and chat (a propane one.. we're under a fire ban). We sat and talked for a couple hours, telling of our travels, our memories around the world, and eventually getting to our futures. I brought up my blog and this website I have created, and we got pretty deep into it. I haven't gone public yet with what I want this website to turn into.. Actually I haven't done much with my goals at all on this website honestly... Mostly because I didn't even know what I wanted it to be. This guy, Matthew, opened up the floor for me to be completely open and talk BIG about what I want from SunGuided. At first, I had a very general statement- I wanted to 'help everyone, and express my love for yoga and wellness'.. Now.. If you've ever talked business, you know that is just about the shittiest business motto you could have. Seriously, I didn't even realize that was a problem until I said it out loud and immediately realized how vague and bland that is. Through a series of 'Who, what, why, and how' questions, he sorted my open and vague thoughts into a statement of what I want. I learned that as much as I love to help everyone, It's impossible to appeal to everyone in a business sense. I narrowed down my purpose of this website, realizing that what I really see for the future of SunGuided is exactly what I needed 2 years ago: I want to help young women like myself step into their full power, potential, and SELF LOVE through health, wellness and yoga. I want to show young women that they are STRONG and powerful, and that they are the only ones in charge of their life. I want to empower young women with the information they need to follow their wildest dreams, no matter what that may look like, and show them that NOTHING can stop them from living the life they desire- we all deserve that. I want this generation to learn how powerful they really are and OWN IT. This is what I see for SunGuided, and I am going to make it happen. I have been in the shoes of a young woman feeling defeated, hopeless, and out of control. I have felt the deepest depths of desire that make you want to cry because you crave change so badly. I know what it feels like to lack self love, and still try to pour into the cups of others while mine is dry. I have felt all the worst, lowest, most stuck feelings- and I learned how to pull my own self up when I need to. I learned how to refill my own cup through self love, and what it looks like to gain control back of my life. I know what it takes to turn powerless into empowerment, and I want to be an inspiration to those who need that kind of guidance. I put those statements into the universe, I speak it into existence. The first time I said it out loud with the passion behind it that I have, It gave me chills. In fact, the very NEXT MORNING from our fire conversation.. The universe put the ball right in my court. I got a private message from a young girl online who shared her story with me, and asked for advice in the exact areas I defined. Nothing is a coincidence- her name is Destiny. The universe makes me giggle :) I see it, I feel it, I know it is mine. SunGuided is flourishing, and I am ready. Here we go. Here we grow :) Love always, Your strong, beautiful, successful, EMPOWERED, BADASS Granny J
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![]() To My Grandkids, Cold Therapy, Breathwork, WimHoff... What's it about? Recently I've been very interested in watching videos of Wim Hoff. If you've never heard of him, he is an amazing being who is testing out the limits of what our physical and mental limits are. He has a method that is very well known, and has been studied and backed up by science. In a nutshell, Wim does a series of intense breathwork, causing his blood to be very oxygen saturated. This in turn activates certain chemicals in his brain to flow throughout the body, which prevents the body from focusing on stress. After gaining complete control and awareness of his breath, he subjects himself to extreme situations- whether it be ice baths, hiking up snowy mountains barefoot with only shorts on, or running a half marathon in the desert with no water- he endures through it with no problem. Since I've been interested in it for a while now, I decided to give it a try. For the past 7 days, as soon as I wake up, I take a walk down to the creek, take some deep breaths, and get in. (Mind you, this water is runoff from Mt Hood above us, so it is COLD.) As soon as I get in, my survival instinct is to get OUT, or gasp and lose my breath.. But the science behind this is all in the breath, so I force myself to slow it down, filling my lungs slowly and deeply, then exhale fully, pulling more and more oxygen in my body slowly and completely focusing on the breath. After a few moments of breathing deeply, I gain control of the situation. My body shuts off the danger response as I continue to focus on the breath. Inhale, exhale, slowly but with power, I accept the cold as a lesson. I do this for several minutes, shooting for 3-5 before I take one last breath and step out. The step OUT is where euphoria really hits- I start laughing and jumping around, feeling FULL of energy, strength and power. I am overflowing with excitement- and feeling completely and entirely HERE in the moment. It feels exhilarating. I've only been a friend of the cold now for 7 days, but I am going to continue to indulge myself in discomfort in the mornings- It makes me feel ALIVE and ready for my day. Not only is this practice good for the BODY, but for the MIND as well. As I continue learning more about my own mind, body, and soul, I will continue to share what I experience, hoping to influence others to be curious for their own well being. Take risks, push limits, try everything. Until we meet someday, Love always, Your ice cold granny J :) ![]() To My Grandkids, Life in the mountains- nothing beats it. This past week at the farm has been so fun. Since we are a campground in a pretty popular area, we have sooo many different people passing through here. Every single day here is such an experience- there's literally never a dull moment.. especially since we're in Oregon.. If you've never been to Oregon, it's BEAUTIFUL. The vibes here are incredible, and everyone you meet is so kind and conscious. Oregon is also known for the topic of bigfoot, aliens, spirituality, psychedelics, hippies, blah blah blah... All the cool things. This week we had some very sweet souls pass through the farm. As soon as we checked them in, we got into the topic of our thoughts on aliens and sasquatch... Now, I'm a big encourager of being open minded on ANY topic, and also deciding what you believe based on how YOU feel, not how you're told to feel or think.. so.. do your own research and decide for yourself.. but also stay open to the idea that ANYTHING has the potential to exist- we truly don't know the limitations of existence. We ended up talking with this group off and on for the rest of the day and the next, coming out on the deck to have coffee with them in the morning. We talked about our spiritual beliefs and experiences we've had to solidify those beliefs. Giving different perspectives on what/who/ the universe is and how it works. Just like how I felt in California when I met my soul family, these 3 lovely people fell in the same category- feeling familiar at heart, and the connection felt smooth and easy regardless of the fact that we had just 'met'. We ended up gathering 7 people that night in a circle in the yard to do a breathwork session together. The session was awesome, and for me personally brought a lot of truth to the surface to be released (which was very emotional).. We ended the night with some hugs and gratitude for the time we got to spend together at this wonderful place- I always get brought right to the people I am meant to be with (or they get brought to me). A couple nights later, all 7 of us who live here gathered in the living room for a little 'family party'. Our magickal friend Rose brought in some guitars, a kalimba, a keyboard, a microphone, and amps to hook it all up to.. (and a disco light for the ceiling which was the cherry on top!). For the next couple hours we shared drinks, fresh cherries, laughter, 'fairy spliffs' (an herbal mixture of flowers and medicinal herbs found around the property that have healing benefits.) stories, thoughts and beliefs, and time spent genuinely enjoying each others beings. It was such a lovely time, my heart felt full and blessed to be here. I am 100% exactly where I am meant to be- the universe has made that very clear. This week has been all about keeping my mind, my heart, and my curiosity open. Honestly, those 3 things have the potential to change the world- think about it. Think for yourself kid, that's the only way this world will change. Maybe by the time you come around we'll know more about what's going on here, how did we get here, what is our purpose here... I've got my ideas, we'll chat over coffee some day :) Stay wild, love always, Granny J :) ![]() To My Grandkids, Finding peace in the small beautiful moments. Lately at the farm, life has been pretty chill, and we've been able to spend a lot of time with a variety of different people. As far as life for Rosie is going... there's no update there. My lovely pink van baby is still broke down in Montana- which is insanely frustrating. Unfortunately it's completely out of my hands sooo... I'm being forced to be patient.. (something I'm still learning).. As much as I want to say the situation doesn't bother me, it really does, and it's been a struggle in my mind going rounds about the details for a while. Yes the van itself is the main problem- but I haven't driven since, and I've been increasingly more anxious in the car than usual.. I know that many people have hit deer and been fine, but it shook me pretty hard to watch and feel the whole thing go down honestly. Not saying this as a pity party, but as a raw reflection of how this situation makes me feel on the daily- which sucks. Enough about the sap story though- that's not what this is about. My mind is busy, yes yes, but I wanted to point out some moments I almost took for granted amidst these transition times. Last night, all 6 of us living here together gathered for pretty much the first time. We had dinner together a few nights before, but this is the first time we had all come together to really hang out. We had a card game going on, guitars being passed around, some eating dinner, and lots of laughter and love. In those moments of community is when I feel the most grateful. By some wonderful grace, we all ended up here together at the same time. Family seems to find me wherever I go, wether it is on a random beach in California with 20 barefoot vagabonds, in Montana with my forrest dwelling friends, or here on a farm amongst the muddy feet and deep laughs, it always finds me and hugs me tight. While I kick my shoes off and walk with adventure, I am most supported and grateful for the one my soul dances with. He walks around in perfect harmony with the sun on the soil, knowing his place here is valid and needed. He is strong and strong willed- mighty as the mountains. He has shown me endless love, and constantly reminds me of my own strength and power. He easily became my best friend, my motivator, my adventure buddy, my heart. I am so blessed. Every moment spent with him is a lifelong memory- may it be a midnight walk around a random town we've never seen, moving to a new state, almost sliding to our death on ice when I had my broken wing, or simply working in the garden together... These moments and people are so special. This life is so special. These memories will never die. I am forever grateful for the small beautiful moments. This was kind of all over the place- but so is my brain right now :) One of these days I will tell you these stories in person as we dance barefoot by our own river together, sharing the same special memories that I am loving. One of these days, I can't wait to meet you :) Love, Your forrest dwelling nana J ![]() To My Grandkids, We are free. Lately, I've been in a battle of my own mind. From lessons being shown to me, to growth forcing me out of my comfort zone, I have been thinking about A LOT. You know, I grew up pretty different from what I resonate with now. The lessons I learned from being in Missouri no longer reside in the space that is me. Since I started taking control of my life, my dreams, my passions, I have outgrown the roots of my upbringing, and that's GOOD. We are meant to change, meant to explore, meant to flow. We are not built to be stagnant- we are not built to resist growth. Looking back on the last couple years of my life, in the time I feel I truly met myself, I have only a few moments where I have seen the absolute truest version of myself. Last year in California, when we stayed on the beach and met a whole soul family of travelers- that girl dancing on the beach in the stars, trading crafted goods and life stories with strangers easy to fall in love with- that girl is FREE. Driving around the country, dangling my feet over the vastness of the Grand Canyon, singing with the trees and the moon glistening on my skin- that girl is a wild woman. Hiking with Liz, exploring our creators beauty through the whisper of the river, the warmth of the sun, and the eagle soaring high- that girl is WISE. There are moments when I meet her- that girl is ME. I am the free, the wild, the wise. I am the strength, the love, the flow. I am the dance, and I am the wonder. I am FREE to express, feel, and be. I am stepping into the beauty of ME. She is coming to the surface the more I grow, I see her feeling her power, and learning to express ALL the time, not just when the moment 'allows'. I am so blessed to be here, I am so blessed to know myself as I do, and I am so blessed to be surrounded by the people I love, and who radiate it back. I am blessed. Life is so good... One of these days you will get to see. Love always, Your sunshine Granny J :) |
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