On the never-ending journey to living our best lives, there are many tools we can use to keep the momentum of our growth rolling. Journaling and visualizing are key components to seeing the grand scheme of your life and helping you map out the exact steps you need to take to get there, or to continue living that way. Journaling helps us to sort out our feelings, write down our goals, and brag on our accomplishments. While journaling in itself is a great tool, there are other tools you have readily available to help keep you motivated as well.
What is a vision board? A vision board is a place for you to get real with yourself about what you want. It is personal to only you, and you have the freedom to add anything you want. It is purely a manifestation tool, and will help aid in bringing your dreams and desires to life. When making a vison board, you can put up photos, notes, or goals that show exactly what you want your life to look like. The point is to hang it where you can see it every single day- visualizing your goals helps manifest it into fruition.
How to make your own!! When making your own vision board, there are no limitations to what you can or can't add. This is a reflection of your own wishes, so get creative!