Feeding your Mentality From the music you listen to, the people you surround yourself with, what shows you watch, your own self talk, your job, and your physical surroundings... Just as a child is an information sponge, and subconsciously soaks in every single detail that is happening around them- so are you. Your subconscious mind is constantly intaking information and organizing it into millions of tiny files that get complied to shape how you understand 'reality'. This means that every word you hear is being transcribed somewhere, and will be used as information to perceive what is happening around you. Very scientific, yes, and on a spiritual level, just as intricate. Every single thing you consume becomes your reality. You've felt this happen before, you wake up and hear your favorite song first thing, your mood is lifted and you feel like dancing! The day rolls smooth because your mind is focused on the good-feeling things happening around you. If you would've started the same morning by reading a sad text from a friend... Chances are you wouldn't be dancing. You would feel dreary, sad and heavy throughout the day, sluggishly walking around as all these tiny sad things keep coming into your focus.