Identify Exactly What You want If you don't have an idea yet of what you truly want your life to consist of, don't worry, there is never an age where you 'should' have things figured out.. In fact, you could decide to be an engineer for a year and then the next you decide you want to be a professional acrobat.. Yea.. You could actually do that. For most, this busy 'go-go' life we've evolved into can cause life to be so fast paced that we lose touch with the things we truly desire.. Or just don't know what our desires really are in the first place. Here are some journal prompts that will help you re-discover and re-evaluate your desires, dreams, aspirations, and the dream life that you deserve to live.
The truth is..... There is NOTHING and NO ONE that can stop you from living the life you truly desire. Yes, we all have commitments and circumstances that come up.. But convincing yourself that you can't or won't ever get to do something because you are 'tied down' is only an excuse. There are many situations that may require your attention and commitment, but there is no event, big or small that could hinder your life completely... It is 100% your decision. You must shift your mindset and realize that you are in control here. Not your job, not your kids, not your spouse, not your retirement plan, no amount of money, and certainly no person truly has the power to control your life. You are meant to change. You are meant to choose. You are meant to grow. You are meant to experience. Most important of them all, you are meant to be HAPPY, satisfied, and fulfilled with the life you live. You are meant to LIVE, and live WELL.